The ACEC-SC Transportation Committee serves as a liaison between ACEC-SC, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), and other public agencies dealing with roadway transportation related issues. The Transportation Committee elects from its member firms individuals to serve on a formal joint Partnering subcommittee with SCDOT’s management team. This subcommittee actively works to develop a mutually beneficial relationship and monitors, on behalf of the ACEC-SC membership, SCDOT’s efforts related to project planning, design, construction, budgeting and consultant selections. The Transportation Committee also utilizes a variety of technical subcommittees to assist SCDOT in addressing important issues related to their mission.
The Transportation Committee is also engaged in advocacy efforts, together with other organizations, to promote legislative action related to engineering practice and transportation agency operations and funding. This work is intended to promote a positive business environment for member firms in South Carolina and support SCDOT as they seek to fulfill their stated Vision “to deliver, operate and maintain a world-class, 21st century, multimodal transportation system that enables the Palmetto State to continue to grow its economy, enhance communities, and improve the environment”.