Since 1986, ACEC-SC engineering firms have entered their most innovative projects and studies in ACEC-SC's annual Engineering Excellence Awards program (EEA)—"the Academy Awards of the engineering industry"—which honors the year's most outstanding engineering accomplishments.
EEA entries are accepted into one of 12 project categories: studies, research, and consulting engineering services; building/technology systems; structural systems; surveying and mapping technology; environmental; waste and storm water; water resources; transportation; special projects; small projects; energy; and industrial and manufacturing processes and facilities.
A distinguished panel of judges is assembled to critique and rank the submissions for engineering excellence. Projects from throughout the state are rated on the basis of uniqueness and innovative applications; future value to the engineering profession; perception by the public; social, economic, and sustainable development considerations; complexity; and successful fulfillment of client/owner's needs, including schedule and budget.
One Palmetto Award winner will be chosen as the overall best engineering project from a South Carolina firm.
The winners are recognized at ACEC-SC's Annual Engineering Excellence Awards Gala.
For questions contact Adam at (803) 771-4271 or email [email protected].
2026 EEA Notice of Intent Form: Coming soon.
2026 EEA Full Submission Packet: Coming soon.
Important Dates:
TBD: EEA Notices of Intent Due at ACEC-SC HQ
TBD: Project Materials and Final Submissions Due at ACEC-SC HQ
2025 Palmetto Award Winner
Davis & Floyd, "Medical District Drainage Tunnel Extension"
ACEC-SC Honors Small Firm, Large Firm, Young Professional Of The Year, Engineer of the Year, and Legislator Of the Year at SC Engineering Conference and Trade Show
For the first time, ACEC-SC debuted its new slate of awards at the SC Engineering Conference & Trade Show on Friday June 16, 2023. ACEC-SC’s Membership Committee sought ways to honor its members and allies. It came up with the following awards: Legislator of the Year, Firm of the Year (Small & Large), Young Professional of the Year, and Engineer of The Year. The winners of these awards were all judged on their dedication to the engineering community.
Membership Committee Chair and newly sworn-in Secretary-Treasurer Bryan Shiver, PE (Insight Group), honored the following award to the winners at the Awards Banquet Friday night at the SC Engineering Conference & Trade Show.
Senator Sean Bennett (Summerville) was selected as the 2023 Legislator of the Year. Bennett’s dedication to the business community and infrastructure is next to none. He also sponsored the Engineers Day Resolution. Unfortunately, Bennett was on vacation, but we look forward to honoring him at the Engineering Excellence Gala this winter.
Carolina Transportation Engineering Associates (CarolinaTEA) took home the Small Firm of the Year. CarolinaTEA supports ACEC-SC in many ways. From time on the Board and Committee Appointees to sponsoring events and participating in EEA, they are precisely what we want out of a Member Firm. CarolinaTEA has a commitment to the industry as well. They mentor new engineers and firms in SC, promote licensure, and give back to their community as well. Congrats to CarolinaTEA.
Kimley Horn’s dedication to ACEC-SC and the Engineering Community won them the Large Firm of the Year award. Kimley Horn focuses on a working environment that promotes communication, sharing ideas, and working together. They have graduated three Future Leaders, have members serving on various committees, and someone serving on the Emerging Leaders Board. We appreciate all you do for ACEC, ACEC-SC, and the engineering Community.
AECOM’s Grace Porter, PE, won the Young Professional of the Year. Porter is a 2022 Graduate of the ACEC-SC Future Leaders Program and a sitting member of the Emerging Leaders Board. She is on the ACEC-SC Communications Committee and Diversity Equity & Inclusion Committee. Her dedication to licensure and the profession made her a no-brainer for this award. She is the 2022 ASCE Young Engineer of the Year. Congrats again, Grace.
It has been a good year for our last award winner. Melvin Williams (Terracon) already won the Civil Engineers Joint Council’s Engineer of the Year award this year and was inducted into the Citadel’s Academy of Engineers. He was honored by ACEC National in Washington, DC, for his role on the ACEC Executive Committee and the ACEC Research Institute Board of Directors. Williams served on the ACEC-SC Board of Directors for two terms, has chaired the Transportation Committee, helped raise PAC money, and represents the engineering community on various Boards of Directors. His dedication to ACEC and his community made him the 2023 ACEC-SC Engineer of the Year.
Congrats to all of the Award Winners.